Juvenile Relay Mania!

Morton Games is delighted that once again the meet will feature a series of juvenile interclub relays. The renowned 16 x 100 (mile) bumper relay has been on the programme now for more than 10 years providing a great opening spectacle.

In 2023 the relay programme was extended, thanks to the encouragement and support of Dublin Athletics, to include four additional juvenile 4 x 200 mixed relays, such was the popularity that that again is retained for July 12.

Morton Games will kick off at 5:30 PM with the Dublin Athletics U/10 4 x 200 mixed relay with the relays continuing at U/12, U/14 and U/16.

The Fingal 16 x 100 juvenile interclub relay will now be structured with the opening lap for the U/10 athletes, next lap U/12 and so on.

Invitations have issued to the clubs who supported last year’s event however there are still places available and clubs interested are encouraged to contact us ASAP by email
